Full Horoscope Personality of The Dec 4 Zodiac

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You will become more comfortable with yourself as you age. Prepare to read a detailed profile analysis Dec 4 zodiac in the following rows. There is a certain grace about your behaviour and this will make your attractive to important and respectable people.

If you were born in Dec 4 zodiac, you must check where the date fell in your birth year, as your sign and element might be of the Western calendar year.

The zodiac sign for December 4 is Sagittarius. Lucky numbers: 6, 8, 11, 13, 22.

The zodiac sign for December 4 is Sagittarius

The zodiac sign for December 4 is Sagittarius

Astrological symbol : Archer. It is representative for people born between November 22 and December 21 when the Sun is in Sagittarius. This symbol denotes an individual aiming high, having a positive outlook on life and great charisma.

Opposite sign : Gemini. It is considered that partnerships of any kind between the Sagittarius and Gemini sun sign people are the best in the zodiac and highlight acceptance and philosophy.

Modality : Mobile. This modality suggests the modest nature of those born on December 4 and their joyfulness and nicety in most life aspects.

Ruling house : The ninth house. This placement suggests long journeys and human transformations through travel and education. It is not only about life adventures but also about higher studies and philosophies.

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Ruling body : Jupiter. This planetary ruler suggests wisdom and youthfulness. The Jupiter name comes from the Roman leader of the gods. It is also relevant to mention about the diligence component.

Element : Fire. This is the element that brings a sense of power and integrity to those connected with it such as people born on December 4.

Lucky day : Thursday. Under the governing of Jupiter, this day symbolizes wisdom and information. It is suggestive for the Sagittarius natives who are direct.

Positive traits : Convivial but frank, these natives have a great sense of ethic and justice. Sagittarius people are usually caring, conscientious and altruistic with most people they know, unless someone disappoints them. That’s when they turn the cold shoulder and move further. Those born under this sign are also ingenious, funny and youthful, they never seem to get any time off and are the spirit of every social gathering.

Negative traits : Impulsive and conceit these natives often display some farfetched reactions in settings that would otherwise be deemed normal, even when they are loosing at something or their plans don’t go the way they would want them to go. They are idealists in their demands about other people and often accommodating. When they want something, they want it on the spot. They sure don’t know the value of time and human effort and then to underestimate everyone else.


 >> You can see more : Horse Horoscope 2020 & Feng Shui

Love and Compatibility for December 4 Zodiac

+ Lovers born on December 4 are romantic and passionate. As Sagittarius natives they aim high in all matters of life, therefore they are also very pretentious when it comes to love. For this ambitious native, love and commitment is placed somewhere second place and the one standing beside them should be prepared to understand and support them unconditionally. You can conquer the heart of Sagittarius if you check a lot of the items on their list of attributes their significant other should have.

+ They are likely to fall in love at a young age and have many interactions with different kinds of people. Once they settle for their loved one, they are patient and dependable and seek for peace and fulfillment. Usually a reserved person, once they are in love, everyone around them knows it. They surprise everyone with their warmth and devotion to their loved one, especially because love comes unexpectedly in their life. They are most compatible with those born on 1st, 8th, 10th, 17th, 19th, 26th and 28th.

December 4 Zodiac people are very attracted to the other fire signs : Aries and Leo as they tend to share the same vision of life. In life, Sagittarius is constantly seeking for a relaxed and entertaining partner and the most suitable to offer them this is the native from Gemini. Sagittarius is thought to be least compatible with Scorpio. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Sagittarius, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky color : Purple is the color of preference for Sagittarius natives, especially those born under the December 4.

Purple is the color of preference for Sagittarius natives

Purple is the color of preference for Sagittarius natives

Representative birthstone : The enticing Turquoise is the representative Sagittarius birthstone for those born under the December 4.

Characteristic flower : Narcissus is the flower of preference for Sagittarius natives, especially those born under the December 4.

Symbolic metal : Tin is the metal of preference for Sagittarius natives, especially those born under the December 4.


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